
Heathcote is committed to a child-centred and co-ordinated approach to safeguarding. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Safeguarding is an absolute priority at Heathcote School. We have a considerable team who are trained safeguarding leads working across the school, these staff members meet frequently and remain responsive to concerns in amongst the day to day roles they also fulfil at Heathcote. The Designated Safeguarding Leads, Mr Neil Hutchins and Mr George Ferrar, along with his Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead, Ms Sam Donoghue work hard to maintain excellent relationships with all relevant agencies and family members. There are many occasions that families need support and guidance throughout their child’s educational years and we are aware that modern day parenting is made all the more difficult due to the online communications that young people engage in.

The following links offer up to date information, guidance and support for child protection and safeguarding concerns that arise. We would very much advocate that parents utilise the advice given and familiarise themselves with their child’s world both online, at school and in the community.