At Heathcote, we understand that learning does not only happen in school. We are committed to ensuring that all our stakeholders are able to access the information that they need when they need it. We have therefore developed three online hubs which can be used by stakeholders to access information online. All 3 portals are accessible on desktops, tablets or mobile devices.
Heathcote Pupil Portal
The Heathcote Pupil Portal is a one-stop shop which provides access to the websites and apps that pupils need. This page can either be found by searching Google or by clicking on the link above. We recommend that pupils and parents / carers pin this page to their toolbar. If you have any suggestions for Pupil Portal or if you wish to report a broken link, please contact Krista Mitchell (Deputy Head).
Pupil Subjects Hub
Accessed directly from the Heathcote Pupil Portal, our Heathcote Subject Google Sites are a pupil-facing resource which act as a hub for each subject. To access the subject sites, you need your Heathcote email address. If you experience any issues with the Subject Google Sites, please contact the Department Lead for the individual site or Krista Mitchell (Deputy Head).
Staff Portal
The Heathcote Staff Portal brings together core apps and links for staff.