Structure of the Day

Our Structure

The school day begins at 8.35am and finishes at 3.10pm. Pupils are expected to be at their classroom for the first lesson by 8:40am.  Morning registration closes at 9:10am. After this pupils will be given a ‘U’ code, which means that this has been recorded as an unauthorised absence for the morning period. Pupils must arrive at school between 8.30-8.35. They must enter and exit the school via the following gates:
Year 7, 8 & 9 Whitehall Road
Year 10 Main Gate  (Normanton Park)
Year 11 Sixth Form side entrance
Year 12 & 13  Sixth Form main entrance
Please be aware that if your child arrives late to school then they will receive a 30 minute detention for the following day. For further details of how this operates please see our Behaviour Policy. Below shows the timings for the school day for specific year groups including break and lunch times.  All Year Groups
Period 1 Period 2 Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch/Form Period 5
8:40-9:40 9:40-10:40 10:40-11:05 11:05-12:05 12:05-13:05 13:05-14:05 14:05-15:05

Your child’s individual timetable will be provided at the beginning of each academic year (or when they start the school if they join during an academic year) and can be accessed for you to view through your Arbor Parent App.

There are significant intervention and enrichment opportunities and details can be found here.