Homework at Heathcote
Why do we set homework?
At Heathcote School we set homework with the intent of supporting pupils with their learning in school. Homework is supplementary to the work completed in school and aims to achieve one or more of the following;
- Give pupil contextual information around learning in class.
- Give pupils further opportunities to practise learning from the classroom.
- Give pupils opportunities to explore topics prior to learning in the classroom.
- Give pupils the opportunity to develop positive study skills such as independence, motivation and organisation.
What are our expectations regarding homework?
The school’s expectation is that pupils will complete all homework that is set.
This is outlined in the home school agreement.
Pupils are Responsible by….
- Completing my homework.
As a family/parent/carer, we commit to …
- Ensure our child completes their home learning on time and to the highest standard
Homework is an important part of our pupil’s education, the time our pupils spend in school is not sufficient enough to gain the knowledge and practise the skills they require to be successful, in their exams, in their development and in their lives after school.
The Education Endowment Foundation’s (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit evidence summary for secondary home learning states: “The evidence shows that the impact of home learning, on average, is five months’ additional progress.” |
Heathcote Pupil Portal
All pupils can access the Heathcote Pupil Portal. This is a quick and direct way to all the programmes our subjects use for homework and support outside of the classroom.
Pupils can find the portal by typing Heathcote Pupil Portal in to a google search (the portal will be the first result) or by using the link below.
Homework Diaries
Following consultation with pupils, the school has decided to re-introduce homework diaries – pupils must have these in all lessons.
The diaries provide the following;
- A place for pupils to record what homework is given and when it is due.
- A place for pupils to record the websites and software used for subject specific homework.
The homework diary is a tool to teach pupils to be organised and responsible for their own learning and success.
Pupils should have their homework diary with them every day. Restorations will be given to those pupils who do not have their homework diary with them.
New homework diaries will be issued each half term. Replacements for lost or ruined homework diaries will be charged at 10p each to cover paper and printing costs.
Homework support
Pupils can speak with their subject teachers who will work to support pupils in providing a space/resources in order for them to complete their homework.
Library opening times for homework completion and support
- Before school from 8am-8.30am (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri).
- After school 3.10pm-4pm (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri).
Homework Tips
We understand that pupils have additional pressures and responsibilities outside of school, life can be busy and everyone can make an honest mistake.
However the school has ensured that all barriers to homework issues have been or can be resolved.
There is no excuse for not completing homework.
To avoid sanctions for incomplete homework or to avoid falling behind due to incomplete homework we advise pupils and parents/carers to do the following;
- If you do not understand the homework – speak to your teacher, before the homework is due.
- If there is a reason you might not meet a homework deadline – speak to your teacher, before the homework is due.
- If you do not have access to a computer or resources you need in order to complete your homework, speak to your teacher. Before the homework is due. They will advise you of where and how you can have access to a computer or the resources you need.
- If you have trouble accessing software or your password doesn’t work for a specific subject homework – speak to your teacher. Before the homework is due.
- Make sure you record your homework neatly and accurately in your homework diary.
- Include the specific work required
- Include the date the homework is due.
- Check with your child/children that they have completed their homework.
- Prompt them to complete their homework in advance.
- Support them where possible to complete their homework.
- Try to provide your child with somewhere quiet to complete their homework.
- If there are any issues with your child’s homework (including login details) please contact your child’s subject teacher or their form tutor. You can also provide them with a note to the teacher to explain any issues so that they can be supported and avoid sanction.
- Check your child’s/children’s homework booklet and remind them to keep neat and accurate notes regarding the homework they have to complete.
Most importantly – please reiterate the importance of homework. It is important that pupils practise skills and apply knowledge they have learned outside the classroom. This can make the difference between grades in exams as well as teach them important skills that they will use in the future at college/university or in the workplace.
Homework Allocation

At Key Stage 3
Pupils are expected to complete the homework set following the timetable above.
The school’s main focus will be to acknowledge and reward effort and consistency with homework. Celebrating and rewarding those pupils who have completed their homework.
Homework in these year groups at the school is an opportunity for pupils to practise their learning and identify areas of strength and weakness.
Teaching staff will contact parents/carers to make them aware that homework was not completed.

At Key Stage 4
Pupils are still expected to complete the homework set following the timetable above.
Due to their upcoming GCSE exams and other key stage 4 assessments, homework will be more detailed and require more time to complete. Again this is to support pupils in their learning and ensure they are well prepared for the rigour of their exams.
Due to the importance of homework and the positive impact it can have on pupils’ progress, subjects will set homework restorations for homework that is not completed, this will be an opportunity for pupils to complete the homework they have missed.
Teaching staff will contact parents/carers to make them aware that homework was not completed.

At Key Stage 5
Pupils are still expected to complete the homework set following the timetable above.
Due to their upcoming A Level exams and other key stage 5 assessments, homework will be more detailed and require more time to complete. Again this is to support pupils in their learning and ensure they are well prepared for the rigour of their exams and assessments.
Sixth form pupils are expected to maximise the use of their study periods during school time. This combined with an hour each day outside of school time totals roughly 15 hours a week, pupils are expected to divide this across their subjects resulting in around 5 hours of homework / independent work per subject across the week.
Due to the importance of homework and the positive impact it can have on pupils’ progress, subjects will set homework restorations for homework that is not completed, this will be an opportunity for pupils to complete the homework they have missed.
Teaching staff will contact parents/carers to make them aware that homework was not completed.
Homework Rewards & Sanctions
To develop independent study skills and deepen pupil learning, teachers use Arbor to log positive points i.e. based on effort, outstanding pieces and consistency. This is used in reward assemblies half termly and celebrated at Heathcote School. Below is a summary of the homework rewards and sanctions.
| KS3 | KS4 | KS5 | |
Reward points via Arbor: | P1 = Excellent homework effort P1 = High quality homework P1 = Homework consistency | |||
Warning and extension: | 0 = Notify home of missed homework deadline with an extension date given to complete the task. No restoration. | 0 = Notify home of missed homework deadline with an extension. Restoration set per task. | 0 = Notify home of missed homework deadline with an extension. Restoration set per task. | |
Sanctions for extension deadline not met or failed to complete: | Years 7-10 CD = restoration set for every two missed pieces | Years 11-13 CD = restoration set for every missed piece. |
Homework Club
We expect all pupils to complete their homework tasks and be praised for their efforts. Some pupils may not have a quiet space for homework or may prefer to complete their homework at school – these pupils will have the opportunity to study in the library both before and after school.
Purpose | Years | Day | Time | Room |
Designated year group days | 7 and 9 | Tuesday | 15.05- 16.00 | H111 |
8 and 10 | Wednesday | 15.05- 16.00 | H111 | |
Year 11 | Monday | 15.05- 16.00 | H111 | |
Open room | All years | Monday- Wednesday | 15.05- 16.00 | H111 |
Library space (AM) | All years | Monday- Friday | 08.00- 08.30 | Library and H111 |
Library space (PM) | All years | Monday- Friday | 15.05- 16.00 | Library and H111 |
Website Links
All homework platforms are accessed through the Heathcote School Pupil Portal. Access to our core school homework sites provides an essential link between home and school learning, allowing parents to actively engage in your child’s academic journey. These platforms offer a wealth of resources and interactive exercises tailored to reinforce the concepts covered in class. Pupils can access all platforms using their Heathcote login or the links below will require login details with passwords.
Core subjects
Frequency | Subject | Platform | Website | Department Lead |
Weekly | Maths | Sparx Maths – Years 7-10 Maths Watch – Year 11 only | Ms Mistry | |
English | Lexia – Year 7 only Accelerator Reader – Years 7-9 only Seneca – Years 7-13 | https://www.lexialearning.com/ | Ms Roberts groberts@heathcote.waltham.sch.uk | |
Science | Educake – Years 7-11 | https://www.educake.co.uk/ | Ms Faria sfaria@heathcote.waltham.sch.uk |
We encourage you to explore the Heathcote School Pupil Portal tools with your child to enhance their understanding and proficiency in these subjects.