Assessments & Reporting
Heathcote School & Science College recognises that pupils and parents / carers are keen to know how they are progressing, however, we are also aware that assessment can impact both teacher and pupil wellbeing. Heathcote takes a balanced approach to assessment which means that we have accurate information to help pupils progress with regard for pupils and teacher workload.
Teachers regularly assess pupils at Heathcote school. We use a variety of methods of assessment including monitoring pupil progress in lessons, coursework assignments, in-class tests and more traditional formal exams.
A distinctive feature of assessment at Heathcote is Challenge Weeks. Challenge Weeks are held twice a year for all year groups. This is an opportunity for pupils to be assessed in all their subjects. Our Challenge Week cycle has a number of benefits for pupils:
- A condensed assessment schedule means that our data is more reliable with fewer chances for pupils to share assessment titles / questions
- The challenge week cycle mimics the process of preparing for GCSE and A-Level exams so that pupils are able develop their revision skills from the start of Year 7
- A regular programme of tests and exams means that pupils are able to build resilience and this resilience reduces anxiety for public examinations
- Regular assessment in all subjects means that the information provided to parents is reliable and timely
We report to parents three times a year. Our reports include information about your child’s academic progress, their effort and their homework. We also provide opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers once a year at a parents’ evening. If you have question or concerns about your child’s progress during the year, please do not hesitate to contact the subject teacher.