Our People

At Heathcote School, our staff is the heart of our vibrant community. Each member of our team is committed to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where every pupil can thrive. Our Senior Team, Teaching Staff and Support Staff bring a wealth of experience, passion, and innovation to the classroom and school building, ensuring that pupils receive a high-quality, personalised education. From our dedicated teachers and supportive administrative staff to our resourceful counsellors and enthusiastic extracurricular leaders, we work collaboratively to inspire and empower our pupils. Explore the staff below to learn more about the incredible individuals who make Heathcote School a special place to learn and grow.

Senior Leadership Team

At Heathcote School, our dedication to excellence in education is evident through the leadership of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT). This esteemed group of professionals is committed to guiding and nurturing our school community.

Heads of Department


Year Leads

Teaching Staff

NameJob Title
Ms Afshan AhmedTeacher of Science
Ms Malieka AlexanderScience Teacher/Second in Charge Head of Year
Miss Samantha ApperleyTeacher of Performing Arts/Head of Year 8
Mrs Victoria ArmittTeacher of Art
Dr Seema BarardTeacher of Science
Mr Andrew ChambersTeacher of Physical Education
Ms Danielle ClanceyTeacher of Physical Education/Head of Year 11
Miss Emily ClarkeTeacher of Design & Technology
Ms Jemma CollinsTeacher of Maths
Ms Raluca CorneanuTeacher of Maths – 2nd in Charge Head of Year
Ms Margaret DadzieTeacher of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Ms Ruth DrinkwaterTeacher of Design & Technology (Trainee)
Ms Natalia GasperTeacher of English/Head of Year 7
Miss Britney HamersleyTeacher of Maths (Trainee)
Ms Rosemarie HanniganTeacher of English – 2nd in Department
Ms Anneka Hawkins (Mat Leave)Teacher of Performing Arts
Ms Sarah HodgesTeacher of Science
Mrs Sumaiyah IsmailTeacher of English
Ms Lucinda JacobsTeacher of Maths – 2nd in Department
Mr Mathews JohnTeacher of Science
Mr Mahbub KarimTeacher of Science
Ms Priscilla KazanidisTeacher of Maths
Miss Megan KellyTeacher of Geography
Ms Harriet KerrTeacher of Science
Miss Sophia KhurshidTeacher of English
Mr Philip LeipperTeacher of Computer Science
Ms Rebecca LewisTeacher of PE/Head of Year 13/Lead Practitioner
Ms Shazia MahmoodTeacher of Science
Miss Faye McCarthySEND Teacher
Miss Nina MikolajczykTeacher of Maths/KS3 Lead
Mr Matthew MilnerTeacher of Design & Technology
Mr Pavlos MiltiadouTeacher of Maths/Head of Year 12
Miss Daniella Monteith-AcheapongTeacher of History
Dr Patrick MoriartyTeacher of Science
Mrs Naheed NazirSEND Teacher
Ms Salma Nawaz KhanTeacher of Maths/ KS5 Lead
Miss Onessa OnyegbuTeacher of Psychology
Ms Maria PageTeacher of Design & Technology/Head of Year 9
Ms Susan ReidTeacher of English/KS3 Lead
Miss Mary RoffeyTeacher of Design & Technology
Miss Aishah SaddiqueTeacher of History
Miss Melissa SatkuneswaranTeacher of Business
Mr Michael ShevelewTeacher of Psychology
Miss Preeya SinghTeacher of English/KS5 Lead
Mr Leonard SmithTeacher of Physical Education/Head of Year 10
Mr Robin TalbotTeacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Miss Alexandra WebbTeacher of Geography
Ms Susoma Zaman (Mat Leave)Teacher of Science/Lead Practitioner

Support Staff

NameJob Title
Ms Asmeret AlazarTeaching Assistant
Mrs Satnam BahraHigher Level Teaching Assistant
Mr Clyde BailieArt Technician
Ms Helen BakerSixth Form Learning Resource Centre (LRC) Assistant
Miss Sandra BanaheneTeaching Assistant
Mrs Stacy BraggAdmissions and Admin Officer
Mr Jonathan BrownTeaching Assistant
Ms Carole BuxtonSchool Counsellor
Ms Hayley ByrneJoint Senior Communication Support Worker
Miss Tracy CarterAdmin Assistant -Data/Trips/Events/Pupil Admin & 6th Form Reception
Ms Bedia CetinSchool Counsellor
Miss Jade Clarke (Maternity Leave)Pastoral Support Manager
Ms Trudi ColtelliSixth Form Reception
Mrs Tracy CullenSEND Administration Assistant
Miss Mujgan DervishDT Technician
Mrs Agnieszka DomanskaFinance Officer
Ms Linda ElliotLibrarian
Ms Christine EverittCover Supervisor
Mrs Heather FleetwoodHR Manager
Miss Alison GroveMidday Assistant
Ms Michelle HeathMedical Welfare/Administration Officer
Mrs Louise HobbinsHR Administration Assistant
Ms Anita HollisExams Officer
Ms Lynette HollisFood Technician
Mrs Elena HorderAttendance Officer
Dr Zebunnisa IkramCover Supervisor
Miss Aida JagneTherapeutic Interventions Officer
Mr Ian JohnsonSite Services Manager
Mrs Sarah JohnsonPA to Headteacher
Mrs Monika JoshiCommunication Support Worker
Ms Rajvinder KaurHigher Level Teaching Assistant
Ms Rebecca LarkinPastoral Support Officer
Ms Paula MattisonCommunication Support Worker/Teacher of BSL
Mr Paul MickleboroSite Services Officer
Mrs Debra MillsPastoral Administrator
Mr Henry O’ConnorSenior Cover Supervisor
Mrs Sandra O’DwyerDT Technician
Ms Abiola OgunsanyaTeaching Assistant
Mr Hershil PatelScience Technician
Ms Alexandra PoultonEducation Welfare Officer
Mr Gavin PrincePE Technician and Coach
Mr Garry RobinsonCreative Arts Technician
Ms Dawn RocheCommunication Support Worker (Trainee)
Miss Michelle RomionFinance Manager
Miss Estiah RussellPastoral Support Assistant
Miss Julie RussellJoint Senior Communication Support Worker
Mr Lloyd ScottCommunication Support Worker
Ms Samantha SinclairSchool Receptionist
Mr Ben SmithSEND Manager
Ms Amanda SmithMidday Assistant
Mr Nicholas TilburyData Manager
Mrs Tracy RollingsTeaching Assistant
Mrs Ifzala WaheedSEND Manager
Mrs Caroline WardenPastoral Support Assistant
Mr Paul WellardAVA and Resources Officer
Mr Richard WellardScience Technician
Ms Sally WescottTeaching Assistant
Ms Catherine WhichelowLead Science Technician
Miss Shelley WilliamsonTeaching Assistant
Ms Joanne WrightSixth Form Data Administrator