Outcomes & Ofsted


Heathcote is ambitious for all our pupils.  We are extremely proud of the astonishing achievements of our young people.  We continue to be immensely impressed by their ability to succeed in all fields of life and we enjoy continuing to hear about their triumphs when they come back to visit us.

Note regarding outcomes: 

“Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.”

Results at KS5: 

Our KS5 results continue to go from strength-to-strength. Our A*-C pass rate increased by 7% in 2024. These strong results are combined with strong pastoral support, however, a hallmark of our Heathcote Sixth Form is that all pupils are supported to achieve their next stepsA measure of the success of our personalised careers programme can be measured in the fantastic destinations data achieved by our entire Year 13 cohort.   In 2024, 80% of our pupils left Heathcote to take up a place at university and the remainder of pupils secured apprenticeships or took up roles within the workplace.

Results at KS4: 

Our KS4 results continue to be strong, with more than 60% of the cohort 0f 2024 achieving five or more Grade 9 to Grade 4 resultsOnce again, we were delighted that so many pupils secured the grades that they needed to pursue a wide range of courses at KS5. Significantly more than the national average achieved a pass in Maths and English, with a remarkable 82% attaining a Grade 9 to Grade 4 in the latter.

Statutory Outcomes Data:

MeasureData* (from ISDR or ASP) 
P8 Score-0..44
Attainment in English and Maths (5+) 39%
A8 Score43.84
Ebacc APS3.89
Ebacc %27%
Attainment A-Level APS: 212.0

A-Level: 94%

Applied General: 96%

Destinations 87% (2020/21)


For more information, please see our Ofsted Report