We are delighted you have chosen Heathcote School for your child and that this is the start of a happy and successful journey for you all. I have been the Deputy Headteacher here since 2018 and I have been honoured to take on the role of Headteacher last September and continue the good work that has been started alongside my very skilled senior leadership team. We are all absolutely committed to making this school the best it can be.
Our priority is school improvement and making sure that your child receives the best education both in the classroom and outside, ensuring nobody is left behind socially or academically and that we develop well-rounded individuals who are challenged and stretched whatever their starting point and who succeed in realising their ambitions.
We have made a commitment to ensure that we have a broad and balanced curriculum that is enriched with opportunities such as trips, visits and careers. We have a very inclusive and comprehensive range of lunch and afterschool clubs and activities.
As a school we pride ourselves on our inclusive approach to Education, we have a very skilled pastoral and SEN team to meet the additional learning and mental health needs of our pupils. This approach is coupled with very high expectations that the pupils will be Ready, Respectful and Responsible at all times. Pupils must be ready to learn every day, dressed in full uniform, on time and fully equipped. We expect pupils and their families to be respectful to staff and pupils, in order to build strong relationships that will support them with their educational journey. Finally pupils will be responsible for their learning by ensuring they work hard and challenge themselves in every lesson, they complete homework on time and get involved in the wealth of enrichment activities to become the best they can be. Where pupils cannot meet these expectations they will be encouraged and challenged using the behaviour policy to help them succeed.
I am lucky enough to have fantastic specialist staff who are totally committed to our pupils and ensure that their experience in school is fantastic and, most importantly, ensure that pupils are happy and safe. We will also work really hard to support the mental health of everyone in the community.
We may not agree about everything but please remember we are on the same side – my team and I want the very best for your children. Please come and talk to us calmly if you are unhappy or concerned about your child or issues in the school and we will work together to help. Please always support the school in front of your child so they can see we have a united front.
I have two sons who are 15 and 10 years old and I will always ask ‘Is it good enough for my child?’ and, if it is, it is good enough for your children. We will not rest until this school is the best it can be and our community has the greatest life chances in the future and are able to achieve their ambitions.
Best wishes,
Sonia Close